Source code for swisslandstats.dataframe

from __future__ import division

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import rasterio
from rasterio.transform import from_origin

from . import geometry as sls_geometry
from . import plotting, settings

__all__ = ['LandDataFrame', 'merge', 'read_csv']

_merge_doc = """
Merges LandDataFrame objects
The default parameter values will do an outer join using the indices of both
dataframes as join keys, and will avoid duplicating columns.
See also the documentation for `pandas.merge`

right : LandDataFrame
duplicate_columns : boolean, default True
how : {'left', 'right', 'outer', 'inner'}, default 'outer'
    parameter passed to `pandas.merge`
left_index : boolean, default True
    parameter passed to `pandas.merge`
right_index : boolean, default True
    parameter passed to `pandas.merge`
**kwargs : additional keyord arguments passed to `pandas.merge`

result : LandDataFrame

[docs]class LandDataFrame(pd.DataFrame): """ A LandDataFrame object is a pandas.DataFrame extended to deal with the land statistics files provided by the Swiss Federal Statistical Office (SFSO). Each row of a SLSDataFrame represents a pixel of a raster landscape, with the 'x' and 'y' that depict the centroid of the pixel, as well as a set of land use/land cover (LULC) information columns. The default parameters are defined to work with SFSO data out-of-the-box, but they can be modified through the following keyword arguments: Parameters ---------- data : ndarray (structured or homogeneous), Iterable, dict or DataFrame Data that will be passed to the initialization method of `pd.DataFrame` index_column : str, optional Label of the index column. If `None` is provided, the value set in `settings.DEFAULT_INDEX_COLUMN` will be taken. x_column : str, optional Label of the x-coordinates column. If `None` is provided, the value set in `settings.DEFAULT_X_COLUMN` will be taken. y_column : str, optional Label of the y-coordinates column. If `None` is provided, the value set in `settings.DEFAULT_Y_COLUMN` will be taken. crs : rasterio CRS, optional Coordinate reference system, as a rasterio CRS object. If `None` is provided, the value set in `settings.DEFAULT_CRS` will be taken. res : tuple, optional The (x, y) resolution of the dataset. If `None` is provided, the value set in `settings.DEFAULT_RES` will be taken. """ # so that pandas can allow setting this class attributes _metadata = ['x_column', 'y_column', 'crs', 'res'] # index_column = settings.DEFAULT_INDEX_COLUMN def __init__(self, data, index_column=None, x_column=None, y_column=None, crs=None, res=None, **df_init_kws): # init the pandas dataframe super(LandDataFrame, self).__init__(data, **df_init_kws) # set the index if index_column is None: index_column = settings.DEFAULT_INDEX_COLUMN if != index_column: self.set_index(index_column, inplace=True) # set the rest of attributes if x_column is None: x_column = settings.DEFAULT_X_COLUMN if y_column is None: y_column = settings.DEFAULT_Y_COLUMN if crs is None: crs = settings.DEFAULT_CRS if res is None: res = settings.DEFAULT_RES self.x_column = x_column self.y_column = y_column = crs self.res = res def get_transform(self): x = self[self.x_column].values y = self[self.y_column].values xres, yres = self.res x_origin = min(x) - xres // 2 y_origin = max(y) + yres // 2 return from_origin(x_origin, y_origin, xres, yres)
[docs] def to_ndarray(self, column, nodata=0, dtype=np.uint8): """ Convert a LULC column to a numpy array Parameters ---------- column : str name of the LULC column nodata : numeric value to be assigned to pixels with no data dtype : str or numpy dtype the data type Returns ------- lulc_arr : np.ndarray A LULC array """ x = self[self.x_column].values y = self[self.y_column].values z = self[column].values xres, yres = self.res i = (y - min(y)) // yres j = (x - min(x)) // xres lulc_arr = np.full((i.max() + 1, j.max() + 1), np.nan) lulc_arr[-i, j] = z lulc_arr[np.isnan(lulc_arr)] = nodata return lulc_arr.astype(dtype)
[docs] def to_geotiff(self, fp, column, nodata=0, dtype=rasterio.uint8): """ Export a LULC column to a GeoTIFF file Parameters ---------- fp : str, file object or pathlib.Path object A filename or URL, a file object opened in binary ('rb') mode, or a Path object. column : str name of the LULC column nodata : numeric value to be assigned to pixels with no data dtype : str or numpy dtype the data type """ lulc_arr = self.to_ndarray(column, nodata, dtype) with, 'w', driver='GTiff', height=lulc_arr.shape[0], width=lulc_arr.shape[1], count=1, dtype=str(dtype), nodata=0,, transform=self.get_transform()) as raster: raster.write(lulc_arr.astype(dtype), 1)
[docs] def plot(self, column, cmap=None, legend=False, figsize=None, ax=None, **show_kws): # TODO: automatically assign cmaps according to columns lulc_arr = self.to_ndarray(column) return plotting.plot_ndarray(lulc_arr, transform=self.get_transform(), cmap=cmap, legend=legend, figsize=figsize, ax=ax, **show_kws)
plot.__doc__ = plotting._plot_ndarray_doc % ( 'column', '\ncolumn : str\n data column to display')
[docs] def clip_by_geometry(self, geometry, geometry_crs=None): return sls_geometry.clip_by_geometry(self, geometry, geometry_crs=geometry_crs)
clip_by_geometry.__doc__ = sls_geometry._clip_by_geometry_doc % ''
[docs] def clip_by_nominatim(self, query, which_result=1): return sls_geometry.clip_by_nominatim(self, query, which_result=which_result)
clip_by_nominatim.__doc__ = sls_geometry._clip_by_nominatim_doc % '' # pandas methods def __getitem__(self, key): result = super(LandDataFrame, self).__getitem__(key) if isinstance(result, pd.DataFrame): # TODO: check that there is at least one column of land statistics if self.x_column in result and self.y_column in result: result.__class__ = LandDataFrame = result.res = self.res else: result.__class__ = pd.DataFrame return result
[docs] def merge(self, right, duplicate_columns=False, how='outer', left_index=True, right_index=True, **kwargs): return merge(self, right, **kwargs)
merge.__doc__ = _merge_doc % '' @property def _constructor(self): return LandDataFrame # geopandas
[docs] def get_geoseries(self): return sls_geometry.get_geoseries(self)
get_geoseries.__doc__ = sls_geometry._get_geoseries_doc % ''
[docs] def to_geodataframe(self, drop_xy_columns=True): return sls_geometry.to_geodataframe(self, drop_xy_columns=drop_xy_columns)
to_geodataframe.__doc__ = sls_geometry._to_geodataframe_doc % ''
[docs]def merge(left, right, duplicate_columns=False, how='outer', left_index=True, right_index=True, **kwargs): if duplicate_columns: _right = right else: _right = right[right.columns.difference(left.columns)] return pd.merge(left, _right, how=how, left_index=left_index, right_index=right_index, **kwargs)
merge.__doc__ = _merge_doc % '\nleft : LandDataFrame'
[docs]def read_csv(filepath_or_buffer, index_column=None, x_column=None, y_column=None, crs=None, res=None, read_csv_kws=None, df_init_kws=None): """ Convert a LULC column to a numpy array. See also the documentation for `pandas.read_csv`. Parameters ---------- filepath_or_buffer : str, pathlib.Path, py._path.local.LocalPath or any \ object with a read() method (such as a file handle or StringIO) The string could be a URL. Valid URL schemes include http, ftp, s3, and file. For file URLs, a host is expected. For instance, a local file could be file://localhost/path/to/table.csv index_column : str, optional Label of the index column. If `None` is provided, the value set in `settings.DEFAULT_INDEX_COLUMN` will be taken. x_column : str, optional Label of the x-coordinates column. If `None` is provided, the value set in `settings.DEFAULT_X_COLUMN` will be taken. y_column : str, optional Label of the y-coordinates column. If `None` is provided, the value set in `settings.DEFAULT_Y_COLUMN` will be taken. crs : rasterio CRS, optional Coordinate reference system, as a rasterio CRS object. If `None` is provided, the value set in `settings.DEFAULT_CRS` will be taken. res : tuple, optional The (x, y) resolution of the dataset. If `None` is provided, the value set in `settings.DEFAULT_RES` will be taken. read_csv_kws : dict-like, optional Keyword arguments to be passed to `pandas.read_csv` df_init_kws : dict-like, optional Keyword arguments to be passed to `pandas.read_csv` Returns ------- result : LandDataFrame """ if read_csv_kws is None: read_csv_kws = {} df = pd.read_csv(filepath_or_buffer, **read_csv_kws) if df_init_kws is None: df_init_kws = {} return LandDataFrame(df, crs=crs, res=res, index_column=index_column, x_column=x_column, y_column=y_column, **df_init_kws)